
Anemia during Pregnancy

Anemia during Pregnancy

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have anemia. A mild condition of anemia that is not a cause for concern and is easily curable if caught early. However, if left untreated, it can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

What is anemia?

Anemia is a medical condition in which the total amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body decreases. As a result, pregnant women do not have enough red blood cells to carry the body's tissues and fetal oxygen.

In addition to other nutrients, a pregnant mother needs a diet rich in iron, folate, and vitamin B12 to help her baby grow and produce more blood for nutrition. When these dietary requirements are not met, you may have anemia.

Usually a woman carries about 5 liters of blood in her body. During pregnancy, this amount of blood reaches 6–8 liters by the end of the third trimester to meet the needs of the growing fetus.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to anemia because the body produces more blood than normal. This requires extra iron, folate, and vitamin B12 to produce adequate amounts of healthy red blood cells and hemoglobin. If you do not take care of your diet, your body may lack it.

Types of anemia during pregnancy

Did you know that there are more than 400 types of anemia? Some of these are common during pregnancy. The most common anemia in pregnant women are:

1. Iron deficiency anemia:

Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron deficiency anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough iron to produce the required amount of hemoglobin. Symptoms of iron deficiency during pregnancy are quite common among pregnant mothers.

Due to iron deficiency, blood does not carry the required amount of oxygen to different parts of the body. It affects both the mother and the fetus.

2. Folate-deficiency anemia:

Folate is a type of vitamin B that is needed by the body to make new cells. It helps in the formation of healthy red blood cells. During pregnancy, the need for folate increases daily. Lack of folate can lead to a decrease in the amount of healthy red blood cells.

Folate deficiency anemia can lead to serious birth defects such as neural tube abnormalities (spina bifida) and low birth weight.

3. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia:

Cobalamin or vitamin B12 is important for the formation of red blood cells. Women who do not include milk and other dairy products, eggs, meat in their diet suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. In this condition, the required amount of blood is inhibited.

Sometimes, a pregnant mother may take the necessary vitamin B12, but the body may be unable to process the vitamin. This can lead to the development of anemia in the expectant mother.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is known to cause premature or premature birth or serious birth defects such as neural tubal abnormalities.

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy

In case of mild anemia, no one shows any symptoms. However, it can develop into serious symptoms and develop the following symptoms:

Fatigue and weakness


Respiratory weakness

Pale skin

Fast or irregular heartbeat

Chest pain

Cold hands and feet

Problems with blood clots or itching.

Initially, the symptoms of anemia during pregnancy may be mild; But ignoring them is risky. Over time the symptoms may get worse and need to be treated so that complications do not occur later. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor immediately.

These symptoms can usually be controlled by dietary supplements such as iron tablets, folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements.

What causes anemia during pregnancy?

There are a number of factors that can cause anemia in pregnant women. When the risk is high:

The woman is pregnant with multiple children

Excessive vomiting in pregnant women due to morning sickness

The woman had anemia even before she became pregnant

Pregnant mothers should not eat foods rich in iron, folate and vitamin B12

There are two pregnancies together

Pregnant as a teenager.

Risks of anemia

Lack of iron, folate or vitamin B12 can lead to complications of anemia during pregnancy. It can adversely affect the baby and the mother.

Untreated iron deficiency can cause the following problems:

Premature delivery or low birth weight babies

Postpartum depression

Delay in child development

Anemic child.

Lack of detected and untreated folate or vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to:

A premature or premature birth or low birth weight baby

Neural tube defects or congenital defects in the brain or spinal cord.

How is gestational anemia diagnosed?

During pregnancy, your doctor will periodically monitor you for the possibility of anemia. Blood tests are performed not only during the first trimester but also during the second and third trimesters. This is done to find out if there is a possibility of anemia in the later stages of pregnancy. The following blood tests are performed to diagnose anemia:

Hemoglobin test: This test is done to measure the amount of hemoglobin in the body.

Hematocrit test: The purpose of this test is to determine the percentage of red blood cells in the blood.

How is anemia treated in pregnant women?

Your doctor may prescribe the following supplements to treat anemia during pregnancy.

Iron and folic acid: It is important to ensure that the body retains the required amount of iron and folate. You may be advised to increase your intake of iron and folate rich foods.

Vitamin B12: To make up for the deficiency of vitamin B12, you may be recommended as a supplement to vitamin B12 in addition to foods such as meat, dairy foods and eggs.

How to avoid anemia?

Prevention of anemia during pregnancy is of course very important for all pregnant mothers. You must eat healthy foods and iron-rich foods, such as:

Dark green vegetables, such as spinach, kale and broccoli

Various beans, lentils, tofu

Thin red meat, eggs


Various nuts and seeds


Cereals and whole grains.

Remember that Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron better. So, whenever you want to eat iron-rich foods, include foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwis, strawberries and bell peppers that are rich in vitamin C.

When to call your doctor?

All pregnant mothers should consciously avoid any deficiencies in the body during pregnancy. Also, anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy should not be strictly ignored. Consult your doctor if symptoms of anemia persist for a long time. It should be treated immediately to avoid any complications.

Although untreated anemia can be harmful, iron deficiency can be controlled by following a proper diet rich in folate and vitamin B12 and taking supplements. Treating such deficiencies at an early stage can save the mother and baby from many big problems. You should go for regular checkups to consult your doctor.

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