

Almost all of us have experienced a sudden burning sensation in the chest, heartburn. These problems usually happen to many people after food. But some people suffer from this problem regularly. If someone suffers from heartburn more than two or more days a week and interferes with normal daily living, then the matter must be taken seriously.

Doctor's advice should be taken. 

Heartburn is usually caused by a condition called 'gastro-esophageal reflux disease or 'GERD'. Heartburn Awareness Week 2022 is being celebrated in the world on November 20-26 this year to raise awareness among the public about this disease.

What is 'GERD'?

Acid-rich food particles and astringent juice of the stomach come from the stomach to the esophagus due to some reason and other symptoms are called 'gastro-esophageal reflux disease or 'GERD'.

Symptoms of Heartburn

Although heartburn is the main symptom of the disease, patients suffering from this disease may also suffer from other symptoms. Along with heartburn, the following symptoms may occur-

♦ Experiencing chest pain

♦ Food rising to the top

♦ Sour taste in the mouth

♦ Difficulty in swallowing

♦ Feeling of obstruction in the throat

♦ Prolonged cough in some cases.

Because Heartburn

Its identity is hidden in the name of the disease. The word 'reflux' means reflux. That is, the reflux of food and drink accumulated in the stomach from the stomach to the esophagus is called reflux. As we know, the stomach contains a lot of acids to digest food. The end of the esophagus acts as a valve to prevent this acid from entering the esophagus from the stomach. Normally, during the intake of food, this membrane opens for a short time and immediately closes again. If for some reason this valve does not work properly, it stays open for a long time instead of a short time and as a result, stomach acid and food particles come up into the esophagus and cause ulcers in the esophagus wall. In addition to ulceration, the patient may experience heartburn and other symptoms due to exposure to acid alone. A hiatus hernia is a structural problem of the stomach. In this, the upper part of the stomach rises from the abdomen towards the chest. People with such problems are at a higher risk of heartburn or 'gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Warning about of Heartburn

Certain symptoms in patients with heartburn are identified as 'alarm signs' or special warning features. If the following symptoms are present along with heartburn, a patient should undergo an endoscopy and other tests to confirm esophageal cancer.

♦ Difficulty in swallowing

♦ Feeling pain when swallowing

♦ Blood vomiting

♦ If a relative has a history of esophageal cancer

♦ Anemia.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment of Heartburn

♦ Medicines and lifestyle and diet changes are the main treatment.

♦ Antacids, PPIs (omeprazole, rabeprazole, etc.), HTU blockers (ranitidine, famotidine, etc.), alginates, etc. can be used. Among them, PPI is the most popular and effective. These medicines are cheap and easily available in our country.

♦ People whose heartburn does not improve despite long-term medication and lifestyle changes may need a 'fundoplication' operation. However, the recent discovery of better effective drugs means that very few patients require surgery. If a patient's esophagus becomes narrowed, usually as a complication of 'gastroesophageal reflux disease, surgery may be necessary if esophageal cancer is present. Lately, this disease can also be treated through endoscopy.

Make changes in lifestyle and diet for Heartburn

♦ Eat food 2-3 hours before sleeping at night

♦ Do not eat fully at once and take small meals after a while

♦ Obesity should be avoided by reducing excess body weight

♦ Oily and extra spicy foods should be avoided

♦ Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

♦ Avoid tea, coffee, and soft drinks

♦ Fried and fast food should be avoided

♦ The head of the bed should be raised about 6 inches with blocks.

♦ Avoid lying down immediately after taking food.

Read more...Antacid

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