

Steroids Categories, Type of Use, Benefits of Steroids, Warning, Use of Steroids, Side effects
Steroids are organic compounds produced naturally in the body Which is mainly used to relieve stress and build body during puberty At the same time, steroids are commonly used as anti-inflammatory drugs to treat various types of pain Once a steroid injection is taken it will last for 3-6 months

Steroids are man-made versions of chemicals known as hormones that are produced naturally in the human body. These steroids are designed to act like hormones to reduce inflammation. They are also known as corticosteroids and are different from the anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders and athletes.

Steroids are basically divided into three categories according to their durability –

Short Acting Steroids: These drugs are usually given in 5-7 day courses Such as hydrocortisone

Intermediate acting steroids: These steroids are given for 2-4 weeks Such as Prednisone and Methylprednisolone

Long Acting Steroids: These steroids can be given for a long time. But very little! such as Dexamethasone

Hundreds of steroids are found in plants, animals and fungi. All steroids are made from the sterol lanosterol (opisthoconts) or cycloartenol (plants) cells. Lanosterol and cycloartenol are cyclic compounds derived from the triterpene squalene.

The core structure of steroids usually consists of seventeen carbon atoms, attached to four "fused" rings: three six-membered cyclohexane rings (Rings A, B, and C in the first diagram) and a five-membered cyclopentane ring (Ring D). Steroids are distinguished by the functional groups attached to this four-ring core and by the oxidation state of the rings. Sterols are formed with steroids in the third position of the hydroxyl group. Steroids can be more radically altered by changes in the ring structure, for example, the truncation of one of the rings. Ring B cleavage produces secosteroids, one of which is vitamin D3.

Type of Use

Steroids are divided into two categories based on their uses:

Oral medicine means the medicine is taken It is mostly given in rheumatoid arthritis

It is used as an injectable In this case, tropical means injecting into the skin, intra-articular means injecting into the joint and intra-vascular means injecting into the vein. Doctors give this type of medicine for joint pain and spinal problems

Benefits of Steroids

  Heals pain quickly.

  Restores daily performance.

  Do not take pain killers.

  Increases muscle strength.

  Prevents paralysis.

  Eliminates inflammation.


Herbal clinics are also now using steroids in large quantities. So be careful about it Steroids should always be given in small doses at short intervals It is important to take antacids after taking oral steroids

  Taking steroids at night has more side effects

  Do not buy steroids over the counter without a doctor's advice

  Never request a doctor to prescribe steroids!

  Steroids should be taken keeping blood pressure and sugar under control

  The dosage and course of steroids will be chosen by the doctor alone

  Tell your doctor if you experience any symptoms while taking steroids

Use of steroids

Slip disc: Slip disc occurs after riding the bike for a long time or after an accident In this case, there is pain in the back The doctor prescribes a short course of 5-7 days of steroids to reduce the unbearable pain along with physiotherapy

Spinal Cord Injury: Spinal cord injuries are now common as a result of accidents. In this case, if intra-vascular steroid injection is not given within 8 hours, the patient may become paralyzed So in this case steroids prevent permanent paralysis

Cervical spondylosis: This type of problem is mainly seen in the elderly In this case, the doctor first gives physiotherapy and some medicine If that doesn't work, dipomedrol steroid injection is given In this case femate joint is blocked by local anesthesia

Tennis Elbow: This disease is caused by prolonged heavy work or excessive elbow movement (especially in players). In addition to excruciating pain in the elbow, the surrounding tendons are damaged In this case, the doctor gives short acting steroids to reduce the pain.

Plantar fasciitis or heel spur: It is a chronic disease In this case, the ankle bone increases, as a result of which there is great pain when walking Anti-inflammatory injections are given to the ankle if treatment with drugs, doctor-shoes, etc., fails.

Tendonitis: The most common knee injury is tendonitis In some cases, the doctor prescribes steroids Basically, local steroids are given

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is an auto immune disease In this case, the patient experiences excruciating pain due to inflammation in the joints Short acting oral steroids are prescribed by the doctor if necessary

Frozen solder: In this case the range of motion of the shoulder is completely reduced and almost stiff If necessary, the doctor gives steroid injections

Arthritis: In some cases of single joint doling for arthritis, doctors give intra-articular injections to relieve excruciating pain.

Side effects

Steroids are one such drug that is particularly effective in relieving pain But if it is used arbitrarily without the permission of the doctor, there are various side effects • Increased prevalence of diabetes. • Increases blood pressure and cholesterol. • Long-term use causes brittle bones (osteoporosis). • Prolonged use may cause psychological problems (psychosis). • The body's own immune system (immunity) decreases. • Gastric ulcer occurs. • Skin density decreases. • Spinal injury or fracture occurs. • Excess body hair. • Voice changes in women.

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