
Breastfeeding Mother

Breastfeeding Mother

Breastfeed the baby

Only mother's breast milk can protect the baby from the attack of various pathogens. Breastfeeding for six months increases the child's immunity. So the theme of this year's Breastfeeding Week (seven days from August 1) is how working mothers can breastfeed. Most workplaces do not have daycare centers or breastfeeding centers.

Breastfeeding rules

Mother should eat more during breastfeeding days. Especially liquid food, protein, calcium rich food, juicy fruits, pulses, eggs (daily), gourd, cucumber etc. Drink half a liter of milk every day if possible.
A mother should drink at least two glasses of water before every feeding.
The yellow colored milk that comes after delivery is colostrum. It must be fed to the child. It contains disease-fighting ingredients and vitamins 'A' remains.
The child should be placed in the same bed.
Before going to work, the baby should be fed for some time. After that, it should be taken out with the help of a pump. This milk is generally good for 6 hours at room temperature and up to 24 hours frozen. The frozen milk should be placed in a container over hot water and the temperature should be normalized to the baby. Breast milk should not be burned or boiled in any way.

Benefits of breast milk

Breast milk protects the baby from indigestion and intestinal problems. This milk is quickly digested and does not cause constipation.
The lining of the baby's nose and throat protects against asthma and ear infections.
Studies have shown that babies who are breastfed from birth are less likely to become obese later in life.
Breast milk protects against childhood leukemia. The risk of type 1 diabetes and high blood pressure is also lower in adulthood.
Mother's milk increases the child's intelligence. It contains fatty acids, which help the baby's brain to grow.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life.
Breast milk does not cause diarrhea in babies.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding problems and their solutions
Breastfeeding can be both good and bad experiences in the first few weeks after birth. On the one hand, as you want to feed the baby the most natural food, on the other hand breast feeding, a mother has to face some problems. Knowing the types of problems you may face while breastfeeding can help you. You can also know the suggestions given by the experts to solve this problem.

Delayed milk supply:

Breast milk is often delayed after childbirth. At first the milk that comes from the breast is slightly yellow and thick. This milk is called colostrum or shal dudh in Bengali. After childbirth, your body starts producing milk after the placenta leaves your body. But it takes one to two days to produce milk.


Talk to your doctor. Many times postpartum milk production can be delayed due to the effect of various medications. Don't be discouraged at first and there is no need to try to breastfeed the baby until the milk comes in on the first day. Breastfeeding is a matter of infinite patience. But once breastfeeding is started, it is very beneficial for the baby's nutrition.

Hardness of the breast:

The new problem that occurs after the milk comes in is the firmness of the breast. This problem usually starts two to three days after delivery when your body is ready to provide nutrients for your newborn. During this time your breasts will become very hard and firm. This problem often results in reduced milk supply. So solve the problem of breast stiffness to avoid problems in the future.


Feed your baby frequently. Try to open the baby's mouth while feeding. Feed both nipples repeatedly so that neither nipple becomes hard. Even then, if the breasts feel tight, massage well and use warm water. It will make you feel comfortable. After using warm water, pump the breast well and keep the milk out. If you are a working woman, you can store this milk in the refrigerator. Later you can feed your baby.

Clotting of breast milk:

There are many reasons why milk may accumulate in the breast. It can also be due to excess milk supply. If not treated quickly, various viral infections can occur in the veins. This can lead to a disease called mastitis. If you are diagnosed with this disease in the breast, arrange for a quick cure.


Massage the breasts well and take warm water compresses to soften the veins. Breastfeed the baby frequently, feeding for hours if necessary. Try to open the baby's mouth while feeding. If the veins in the chest become hard then different types of symptoms like breast pain, fever appear in the body. Seek medical advice immediately. The doctor will check whether you have mastitis or not. If so, the doctor will give you antibiotics. Or if the infection is more severe, surgery may be required.

Cracked nipples:

Cracked nipples may appear a few days after childbirth. It hurts a lot. The main reason behind this is that the baby does not latch properly. As a result, different pressure is placed on the nipples and pain is felt while breastfeeding. These cracks may also bleed. Therefore, following the correct rules of breastfeeding, the baby should be fed milk so that it does not crack.


Consult your nearest doctor. Learn the right way to breastfeed your baby from your doctor. Put most of the breast in the baby's mouth so that he cannot pull and bite the nipple. If the nipple cracks, give the baby milk from the other breast. Apply ointment on the cracked area for faster healing.

Low milk supply:

You may think that your milk supply has decreased but in fact milk supply does not mean breast engorgement. Your body producing exactly the amount of milk your baby needs means your milk supply is never short.


Feed your baby as often as he wants to get the right amount of milk supply. According to the World Health Organization, babies should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months after birth and then breastfeed until they are 2 years old. Do not let the baby use bottle milk or separate pacifiers. Keep yourself away from other activities and focus on the baby, it increases milk supply. Eat vegetables, fruits, meats and carbohydrates to maintain your body's nutrition so that you can feed your baby enough milk day and night.

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