
What is a Common Cold?

Symptoms of the Common Cold
A common cold is defined as an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus that usually affects the nose but can also affect the throat, sinuses, eustachian tubes, trachea, larynx, and bronchial tubes - but not the lungs.

Symptoms of the Common Cold

The following features are indicative of a Common Cold-
Stuff or runny nose
Sore throat
Mild fever
Injured joints

Common Causes of a Common Cold

The most common causes of the common cold are:
rhinovirus infection
Respiratory syncytial virus infection
Human parainfluenza virus infection
Human metapneumovirus infection

Other Causes of the Common Cold

The most common causes of the common cold are as follows:
Transmitted via airborne drop
Direct contact with infected nasal discharge
Prolonged exposure to cold weather

Risk Factors for the Common Cold

The following diagnoses increase the risk of catching a common cold:
Children younger than six
The season falls
Weak immune system
Use of smoking
Virus exposure

Prevention of Common Cold

Yes, it is possible to prevent the common cold. The disease can be prevented by taking the following steps:
Wash hands daily with soap and water
Do not touch nose, mouth, and eyes with dancing hands
Stay away from sick or infected people

The Occurrence of the Common Cold

Number of events
The number of cases of the common cold worldwide each year is as follows:
Very common & gt; In 10 million cases
The normal age range of patients
The common cold can occur at any age.
The disease is more common in people of that sex
People of either sex can have a common cold

Tests for Common Cold

The following tests are performed to diagnose the common cold:
Chest X-ray: For the diagnosis of the common cold
Can be diagnosed by its symptoms

Doctors to Diagnosis the Common Cold

In case of symptoms of common cold, the patient should consult the following specialist doctors:
Infectious disease specialist

Complications of Common Cold if left untreated

Yes, physical complications can occur if the common cold is not treated. Here is a list of complications and problems that can be caused by the common cold if not treated:
Acute sinusitis
Strap neck

Self-Service in Case of the Common Cold

The following is a list of changes that may be helpful in self-care or lifestyle in the treatment or management of common colds:
Drink plenty of fluids: Prevents dehydration
Take hot liquids: Eating chicken soup and other warm liquids provides a soothing effect and loosen contractions.
Salty mess: Helps to get rid of odor or scratchy throat

Alternative Medicine for the Treatment of Common Cold
Here are some alternative medicines and therapies that may be helpful in treating or managing the common cold.
Vitamin C supplementation: Helps prevent colds
Echinacea supplement: Cold prevention
Intake Zinc Supplement: Beneficial for the treatment of colds

During the Treatment of Common Cold

Although the duration of treatment varies from patient to patient, if properly treated under the supervision of a specialist, the time limit for controlling the common cold is as follows:
1 - 4 weeks

Is the Common Cold Contagious?

Yes, the common cold is contagious. It can spread to humans in the following ways:
Hand-to-hand contact with infected people
Contact with respiratory secretions or stools of an infected person

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